I have worked in the field of mental health and psychology for the last 30 years. After working for 20 years with adults, I then went on to train to work in depth with children. My work with each complements the other.
I trained initially in Hakomi Psychotherapy; Hakomi is a Hopi Indian word which means ‘who am I in relation to these many realms’.
My major training is in Process Oriented Psychology, in which I trained for 10 years. With its roots with Jung, in Process Oriented Psychology we follow the everyday conscious and unconscious signals that are manifested as we live our day to day lives, and which hold the answers that we seek. I truly believe that all of us have within us solutions to any dilemnas we may face. As a therapist I have the skills to help you discover what they are. At times, the sessions can look like a quiet chat, or deeply felt meditation, and at others we can explore using movement and play. Your own individual journey and personal leanings will dictate how we work together.
Play is the child’s language. Through play children work through any difficulties they may be having, engaging with the therapist both with and without words. Adults often find this way of working helpful, or at use creative arts as a way to express themselves as well as, or instead of words.
I also work with couples.
Please contact me for more information or an informal chat about my work.
Tel: 07511 745854
Email: mkostler@yahoo.co.uk