Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness…it keeps the physical body flexible and strong, helps you to relax and let go of tension and brings prana into the body to move and shift energy blocks. The meditations keep the mind in its place.
This yoga is ideal for stress and anxiety. It also, through keeping the spine supple, helps you feel fitter, younger and healthier – and more aware consciously as you progress through the classes.
The classes are supportive and informative regarding diet and health.
Shivdev Kaur has been teaching Kundalini Yoga for over 15 years. She is also a teacher trainer for Amrit Nam Sarovar School.
Classes are £10 each, 10am -11.30am on Wednesdays at Naturalife, Bridge St, Taunton.
Tel: 07894 994520
Email: sarahjc329@hotmail.com / svetlanas007@btconnect.com
Website: Shivdev