CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a hands-on therapy, where the touch is a very gentle, non-invasive and usually very subtle. But don’t be fooled, it is also a powerful therapy that positively affects the central nervous system to assist in improving function in the whole body.
By using ‘listening hands’ to feel the CranioSacral Rhythm (CSR), it is possible to feel how well the CSR is reflecting out to the rest of the body and what can be done to improve its functioning.
This may mean simply encouraging it, as if you are gently flushing more fluid through a slightly sticky pipe, or it could mean using gentle techniques to unwind kinks in the body’s fascia: sort of like straightening out a sleeve or sock that isn’t on quite squarely.
Clients find CranioSacral Therapy effective for a wide range of problems associated with discomfort, pain and dysfunction particularly in the head, neck, shoulder, back and pelvic area. CST is increasingly used as a preventative health measure. All treatments take place without clients needing to remove any clothing and following a detailed health questionnaire.
One hour treatments cost £35.00
To book a free 15 minute consultation or a 1 hour appointment:
Tel: 07934 736718
Email: paultitmusstherapy@yahoo.com