Clinical Hynotherapy is a therapeutic solution that uses an altered state of consciousness to create new feelings, thoughts, responses, attitudes or behaviours. During hypnosis you will feel deeply relaxed, which enables the therapist to bypass the conscious mind and work directly with the subconscious, where many of our issues reside.
Positive suggestion and other techniques, such as timeline therapy and trauma processing models, can create useful changes in a short time.
Specialised in treating trauma and PTSD using a comprehensive range of tools to address their many aspects. I work with complex cases and also help with anxiety reduction and transforming many difficulties that life can bring. I offer a free initial consultation of 30 minutes to support you towards finding the best way forward.
Tel: 01823 765141 or 07443 221311
Email: rachel@integratedtraumasolutions.co.uk
Website: Integrated Trauma Solutions